Baking for a
brighter future.

Join our festive baking programme:
Christmas Baking On The Spectrum 🎄

Our programs use baking to teach life skills + foster creativity for those on the spectrum.

Baking on the Spectrum offers interactive activities that engage kids on the spectrum to encourage communication between them + their families.

Promote communication development within families.

Offer a fun + engaging baking experience, from home.

Educate families + parents about food + cooking.

Empower individuals on the spectrum to lead more fulfilling lives.

Build confidence + independence in the kitchen.

Foster community + support for individuals on the spectrum.

"My son had no interest in the items found in the kitchen. Thanks to BOTS, he can now bake independently + feel confident in the kitchen. It's amazing to see the progress he’s made + the skills he has learnt through baking."

Parent of Kadeen.

Read more about the work
we’ve done so far here

Christmas Baking On The Spectrum.

Changing lives, one bake at a time. Join today!